Prof Dr. Col Akhtar Ahmed Khalili (Retd)

Principal Army Public School North Malir Cantt

Message From Principal Army Public School North Malir Cantt:

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.                           Martin Luther King, Jr.
We live today in a world that is so very different from the one we grew up in, the one we were educated in. The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate and we as educators need to pause and reflect on this entire system of Education. Are our schools well equipped to prepare our children to face the challenges that the future holds?

Questions such as these are factors that motivate us to go through a continuous process of reflection and hence we at APS work at implementing a well-balanced curriculum to ensure that the children who walk into the portals of our Schools will not just love their school years but truly be prepared to face life’s challenges.

Our Mission is to “Provide exemplary educational programs of international standards that inspire and prepare all students for success in global environment at affordable costs.”

It was Margaret Mead who said “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think,” and to enable this, our motto of Knowledge, Imagination and Innovation is encouraged through a holistic approach.  We go to every extent to achieve holistic development of our children where we guide students to develop capacities, acquire knowledge and virtues and provide service. We try to encourage our children to unleash their fullest potential.
We also believe that every child is unique in nature with varying needs. Therefore, by fostering a conducive environment full of love, care and creativity we instill in our children a desire to learn with emphasis on their social, emotional, physical, aesthetic and intellectual developmental aspects.
Our aim is to work unanimously to unleash the inherent intellectual, social and emotional capacities of all students who pass through the gate of this Institution.

Aristotle once said that, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” Even as we impart education to match the advancement in technology and globalization, we march our children ahead with APS’ ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavor constantly to instill these qualities in our children. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of the next generation.

A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child-centric school. It is natural to find in this ambience, the intensive use of a variety of thinking activities, strategies and group dynamics so that the classrooms become alive.

Teamwork is the hallmark of APS. I am very sure through collaborative effort we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.


With sincere and warm regards.-


Prof Dr Col Akhtar Ahmed Khalili (Retd)

Principal APS North

Prof Dr. Col Akhtar Ahmed Khalili (Retd)
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