We’re using the house system to encourage pupils to invest in the life of the school – rather than treating the school as an enemy. (anonymous).Since the House System was first introduced over eighty years ago it has always encouraged personal responsibility amongst pupils. These smaller school communities engender healthy rivalry in friendly games and other extra-curricular activities, building team skills, leadership skills and co-operation. Pupils join a House when they join the school and belong to their House until they leave. The House System helps build an individual’s strengths within a group and creates a bond with other pupils of all ages. As pupils reach their senior years at the School they become increasingly involved in running their Houses and co-coordinating House activities.
In the APSACS, House System is being created largely for the purpose of competition. The traditional school sports day will be an inter-house competition. Debating competitions and charity drives or community services will be organized along inter-house lines. Merit points for behavior and academic achievement will also be totaled up for comparison between houses.
Pupils may be assigned to Houses based on their performance, ability and talent with the aim of forming equilibrium between the Houses in order to increase competition. Traditionally, however, once a pupil has been assigned to a House, any younger siblings he or she has will automatically become members of that House when they arrive at the school. (This tradition sometimes extends to the children of former pupils.)
One notable feature of the APSACS House system is the nomination and election, or appointment, of House captains for the junior, middle and senior school, whose job it is to rally fellow House-members and to pick individuals for team events with the assistance of House Coordinators (in case of a school with a limited strength one House Captain from the senior section for each House will be elected).
- House of Unity
- House of Faith
- House of Discipline
- House of Tolerance
- Blue
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow