APSAC Policies System
- Registration (Registration of the students will be done when admission in the new session will be announced).
- Admission Test
- Compilation of Result
- Recommendation by Principal
- Approval by PWB
- Display of Final Lists
- Registration is mandatory of all new admissions. Registration/Admission form is enclosed with every prospectus admissible for single child.
- Parents are requested to deposit the registration / admission form duly completed in all respect at their earliest.
- Registration date will be considered the date of depositing the duly filled and complete registration form.
- Reception Staff in no case will be able to receive the incomplete registration / admission form.
- The admission process will only be initiated for the correct / complete and intime deposited registration / admission forms.
- The prospectus will be given to parents on payment. This fee is not refundable in any case.
- Admission Tests will be conducted at the beginning of the academic year against vacancies with the exception of transfer cases.
- Admission to wards of serving army personnel during session against posting / transfer cases of parents / guardians will not be refused. However, admission will be granted on completion of requisite formalities. Admission test will not be conducted for children of transfer case.
- The Principal will recommend all those who qualify for approval of President Working Body. In the event of fewer vacancies, a merit / waiting list will be maintained out of those who have qualified for admission and parents will be informed as and when vacancies occur on merit / seniority basis.
- However students coming from other APSACS may be granted direct admission subject to the submission of students’ dossiers and progress reports from the previous institution.
- COMPILATION OF RESULT:Results will be compiled after the completion of admission test. Test papers will be carefully checked and the students who have cleared the tests will be shortlisted according to their merit.
- RECOMMENDATION BY PRINCIPAL:The principal will recommend the final list to the president working body for approval.
- DISPLAY OF FINAL LISTS:Final list of successful candidates will be displayed in the school.
- DEPOSITING OF ADMISSION FEE:Parents of successful candidates will require to collect the admission fee vouchers of their ward (s) from concerned CAMPUS RECEPTION OFFICE for timely depositing of the admission fee.
The school administration reserves the right to strike off the name of a student from the school roll. Following offences will render a student liable to withdrawal/expulsion from the school with or without warning depending upon the gravity of the offence:-
- Indiscipline, cheating, stealing or immoral conduct.
- Rudeness to the staff.
- Willfully damaging school property. Damage will be made good by the parents/guardian of defaulter.
- Being habitually untidy, unpunctual and neglecting school orders.
- Possessing mobile phones, arms, fire-arms, knives or any other lethal weapons.
- Showing consistently poor performance in academics.
- Leaving the school premises without proper permission.
- Fighting with other students.
- Smoking or use of drugs of any sort.
- Continuous use of abusive language.
- Inviting outside elements to settle the score with fellow students.
- Chalking on the walls or washrooms.
- Non-payment of dues within specific dates.
- Irregularity in attendance.
- Misbehavior/misconduct of the students or their parents.
- Student who fails twice in the same class in annual examination.
- Prolonged absence without leave.
- Any other offence considered to be serious enough by the school authorities.
Re-admission will be granted on payment of Rs. 2,000. Re-admission fee should be accompanied by a written request/undertaking from the parents that the reason of expulsion will not arise again. Re-admission will be granted in cases of:-
- Non-Payment of Dues: After clearance of all outstanding dues.
- Irregularity: An undertaking will be required from the parents to ensure regularity of the student in future.
- For the withdrawal of a pupil, one-month notice is required or else one month’s fee will be paid in lieu of the notice. This will be exempted in case of Army personnel.
- Transfer certificate will be issued after having cleared the school dues. Transfer Certificate fee of Rs. 50 will be charged.
- Promotion certificates for transfer cases would be given only on the basis of continuous assessment during the session and not before two months of the completion of session.
- All entries in the transfer certificate will be entered strictly in accordance with the demonstrated performance of the pupil.
- Transfer certificate will be signed by the Principal.
Uniform Details:
In the APSAC System, all Schools display the APSAC approved uniform in school. Only the appropriate, prescribed school uniform will be worn inside the school at all times. Parents are expected to send their wards in neat and tidy uniform. Below are the details of uniform for all students of APSAC.
(Nursery to class V)
- White KT shirt with collars, half sleeves, and front left pocket with school monogram.
- Dark grey shorts or trousers.
- Black / Grey socks/stockings.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- White, wash n wear A-Line shirt with green tennis collars, half sleeves, front left pocket with school monogram.
- White socks / stockings.
- Black shoes / Joggers.
- White shirt with tennis collar and white wash n wear shalwar.
- (Green Sash for girls of class IV and V).
- White KT shirt with full sleeves, front left pocket with school monogram.
- Dark grey trousers.
- Pull-over V neck, or green blazer with school monogram on the left pocket.
- School necktie
- Grey / Black socks.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- White wash n wear A-Line shirt with green tennis collars as for summer but with full sleeves front pocket with school monogram
- White shalwar / Stockings.
- Pullover V green or green blazer with school monogram on left pocket.
- Green sash
- White socks stocking leggings.
- Black shoes / Joggers.
(Class VI to X)
- Shirt as above for summer wear.
- Dark grey trousers.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- Grey / Black socks/stocking leggings
- White wash n wear shirt with green tennis collars, half sleeves (Optional) front left pocket with school monogram.
- White wash n wear Shalwar.
- White duppatta (Cotton with green piping).
- White socks.
- Black shoes / Joggers.
- White KT shirt with full sleeves, front left pocket with school monogram.
- Dark grey trousers.
- Pull-over V neck or green blazer with school monogram on the left pocket.
- School necktie
- Grey / Black socks.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- White wash n wear A-Line shirt with green tennis collars as for summer but with full sleeves front pocket with school monogram
- White shalwar / Stockings.
- Pullover V green or green blazer with school monogram on left pocket.
- Green sash
- White socks stocking leggings.
- Black shoes / Joggers.
(Class XI to XII)
- Green & white pin stripe shirt, half sleeve.
- Dark grey trousers.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- Black / Grey Socks
- White shirt with green & white pin stripe tennis collars.
- White shalwar.
- White cotton dupatta with green (striped piping).
- Shirt as above for winter but full sleeve.
- Dark grey trousers.
- Pull-over V neck green or green blazer with school monogram on left pocket.
- School necktie.
- Grey / Black socks.
- Black shoes (Oxford Pattern i.e. with laces) / Black Joggers.
- Shirt as for summer but full sleeves, front left pocket with school monogram.
- Shalwar as for summer.
- Pull over V-neck, green or green blazer with school monogram on left pocket.
- White cotton dupatta with green striped piping.
- White socks.
- Black shoes / Joggers